Connected-Component Labeling Algorithm

There are many ways to label connected-components on a binary image. See the link below for more information:

Since this task is frequently done in many jobs, I have implemented a generic C++ version of the “one component at a time” approach. The basic procedure is as follows:

  1. Start from the first pixel in the image. Set current label to 1. Go to (2).
  2. If this pixel is a foreground pixel and it is not already labelled, give it the current label and add it as the first element in a queue, then go to (3). If it is a background pixel or it was already labelled, then repeat (2) for the next pixel in the image.
  3. Pop out an element from the queue, and look at its neighbours (based on any type of connectivity). If a neighbour is a foreground pixel and is not already labelled, give it the current label and add it to the queue. Repeat (3) until there are no more elements in the queue.
  4. Go to (2) for the next pixel in the image and increment current label by 1.

The code is as follows:


#include <stdexcept>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <set>
#include <iterator>

using IntSizeType = int;
using IntPair = std::pair<IntSizeType, IntSizeType>;

template<typename ImgDT>
struct BinaryPredicate {
	// true indicates foreground, false indicates background
	bool operator()(const ImgDT &val) const {
		throw std::runtime_error{ "unsupported type" };

struct BinaryPredicate<bool> {
	// true indicates foreground, false indicates background
	bool operator()(bool val) const {
		return val;

struct BinaryPredicate<char> {
	// true indicates foreground, false indicates background
	bool operator()(char val) const {
		return val;

template<typename ImgDT>
struct RoundBracketAccess {
	template<typename ImgType>
	const ImgDT & operator()(const ImgType &img, size_t row, size_t col) const {
		return img(row, col);

template<typename ImgDT>
struct SquareBracketAccess {
	template<typename ImgType>
	const ImgDT & operator()(const ImgType &img, size_t row, size_t col) const {
		return img[row][col];

struct Quick2DSizeT {
	using size_type = IntSizeType;

	static constexpr const size_type NOLABEL = std::numeric_limits<size_type>::min();

	// filled with zero
	Quick2DSizeT(size_type rows, size_type cols) {
		this->data.resize(rows * cols, NOLABEL);
		this->cols = cols;

	size_type &operator()(size_type row, size_type col) {
		return this->data[row * this->cols + col];

	size_type cols;
	std::vector<size_type> data;

struct FourConnect {
	using size_type = IntSizeType;

	std::vector<IntPair> GetNeighbour(const IntPair &pos) const {
		std::vector<IntPair> result(4);
		result[0] = IntPair{pos.first + 1, pos.second};
		result[1] = IntPair{ pos.first, pos.second + 1};
		result[2] = IntPair{ pos.first - 1, pos.second };
		result[3] = IntPair{ pos.first, pos.second -1 };
		return result;


struct EightConnect {
	using size_type = IntSizeType;

	std::vector<IntPair> GetNeighbour(const IntPair &pos) const {
		std::vector<IntPair> result;
		for (size_type i = -1; i < 2; ++i) {
			for (size_type j = -1; j < 2; ++j) {
				if (i == j && i == 0) {
				result.push_back(IntPair{pos.first + i, pos.second + j});
		return result;


template<typename ImgDT, // the image data type (bool, char, int...)
	typename Connectivity = FourConnect, // determines the connectivity
	typename Access = SquareBracketAccess<ImgDT>, // defines the access method of pixels
	typename BinaryPred = BinaryPredicate<ImgDT>> // determines whether a pixel is foreground/background
	struct ConnectComponentFinder {
	using size_type = IntSizeType;
	using value_type = ImgDT;
	using cc_result_type = std::set<IntPair>;
	using result_type = std::vector<cc_result_type>;

	// size: rows, cols
	template<typename ImgType>
	result_type operator()(const ImgType &img, const IntPair &size) const {

		if (size.first < 1 || size.second < 1) {
			throw std::runtime_error{ "invalid size" };

		Quick2DSizeT labelStorage{size.first, size.second};

		size_type currentLabel = labelStart;

		Access access;
		BinaryPred pred;
		Connectivity connect;

		queue<IntPair> myQueue;

		// mark connected components
		for (size_type i = 0; i < size.first; ++i) {
			for (size_type j = 0; j < size.second; ++j) {
				const auto &pixelVal = access(img, i, j);
				auto isForeground = pred(pixelVal);
				bool enteredQueue = false;

				if (isForeground) {
					// check if it has a label
					if (labelStorage(i, j) == Quick2DSizeT::NOLABEL) {
						// does not have a label
						// assign it a label
						labelStorage(i, j) = currentLabel;
						// controls the increment of currentLabel
						enteredQueue = true;

					// repeat while the queue is not empty
					while (!myQueue.empty()) {
						// front has been labeled
						auto front = myQueue.front();

						// if it is foreground and not labeled
						auto neighbour = move(connect.GetNeighbour(front));
						for (const auto &pixelPos : neighbour) {
							// check if it is valid
							if (this->IsPixelPosValid(size, pixelPos)) {
								const auto &neighbourPixelVal = access(img, pixelPos.first, pixelPos.second);
								if (pred(neighbourPixelVal) // check if it is foreground
									&& labelStorage(pixelPos.first, pixelPos.second) == Quick2DSizeT::NOLABEL) {
									// if it has no label, add it into the queue
									// assign it a label
									labelStorage(pixelPos.first, pixelPos.second) = currentLabel;

					if (enteredQueue) {
						currentLabel += 1;


		// compute the number of connected components
		size_type numOfCC = currentLabel - labelStart;
		result_type result;

		// scan labelStorage for result
		for (size_type i = 0; i < size.first; ++i) {
			for (size_type j = 0; j < size.second; ++j) {
				if (labelStorage(i, j) != Quick2DSizeT::NOLABEL) {
					auto index = labelStorage(i, j) - labelStart;

		return result;


	static constexpr const size_type labelStart = Quick2DSizeT::NOLABEL + 1;

	bool IsPixelPosValid(const IntPair &size, const IntPair &pos) const {
		return pos.first >= 0 && pos.first < size.first && pos.second >= 0 && pos.second < size.second;


It can also be found on my github.