Connected-Component Labeling Algorithm
28 Jul 2018There are many ways to label connected-components on a binary image. See the link below for more information:
Since this task is frequently done in many jobs, I have implemented a generic C++ version of the “one component at a time” approach. The basic procedure is as follows:
- Start from the first pixel in the image. Set current label to 1. Go to (2).
- If this pixel is a foreground pixel and it is not already labelled, give it the current label and add it as the first element in a queue, then go to (3). If it is a background pixel or it was already labelled, then repeat (2) for the next pixel in the image.
- Pop out an element from the queue, and look at its neighbours (based on any type of connectivity). If a neighbour is a foreground pixel and is not already labelled, give it the current label and add it to the queue. Repeat (3) until there are no more elements in the queue.
- Go to (2) for the next pixel in the image and increment current label by 1.
The code is as follows:
#include <stdexcept>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <set>
#include <iterator>
using IntSizeType = int;
using IntPair = std::pair<IntSizeType, IntSizeType>;
template<typename ImgDT>
struct BinaryPredicate {
// true indicates foreground, false indicates background
bool operator()(const ImgDT &val) const {
throw std::runtime_error{ "unsupported type" };
struct BinaryPredicate<bool> {
// true indicates foreground, false indicates background
bool operator()(bool val) const {
return val;
struct BinaryPredicate<char> {
// true indicates foreground, false indicates background
bool operator()(char val) const {
return val;
template<typename ImgDT>
struct RoundBracketAccess {
template<typename ImgType>
const ImgDT & operator()(const ImgType &img, size_t row, size_t col) const {
return img(row, col);
template<typename ImgDT>
struct SquareBracketAccess {
template<typename ImgType>
const ImgDT & operator()(const ImgType &img, size_t row, size_t col) const {
return img[row][col];
struct Quick2DSizeT {
using size_type = IntSizeType;
static constexpr const size_type NOLABEL = std::numeric_limits<size_type>::min();
// filled with zero
Quick2DSizeT(size_type rows, size_type cols) {
this->data.resize(rows * cols, NOLABEL);
this->cols = cols;
size_type &operator()(size_type row, size_type col) {
return this->data[row * this->cols + col];
size_type cols;
std::vector<size_type> data;
struct FourConnect {
using size_type = IntSizeType;
std::vector<IntPair> GetNeighbour(const IntPair &pos) const {
std::vector<IntPair> result(4);
result[0] = IntPair{pos.first + 1, pos.second};
result[1] = IntPair{ pos.first, pos.second + 1};
result[2] = IntPair{ pos.first - 1, pos.second };
result[3] = IntPair{ pos.first, pos.second -1 };
return result;
struct EightConnect {
using size_type = IntSizeType;
std::vector<IntPair> GetNeighbour(const IntPair &pos) const {
std::vector<IntPair> result;
for (size_type i = -1; i < 2; ++i) {
for (size_type j = -1; j < 2; ++j) {
if (i == j && i == 0) {
result.push_back(IntPair{pos.first + i, pos.second + j});
return result;
template<typename ImgDT, // the image data type (bool, char, int...)
typename Connectivity = FourConnect, // determines the connectivity
typename Access = SquareBracketAccess<ImgDT>, // defines the access method of pixels
typename BinaryPred = BinaryPredicate<ImgDT>> // determines whether a pixel is foreground/background
struct ConnectComponentFinder {
using size_type = IntSizeType;
using value_type = ImgDT;
using cc_result_type = std::set<IntPair>;
using result_type = std::vector<cc_result_type>;
// size: rows, cols
template<typename ImgType>
result_type operator()(const ImgType &img, const IntPair &size) const {
if (size.first < 1 || size.second < 1) {
throw std::runtime_error{ "invalid size" };
Quick2DSizeT labelStorage{size.first, size.second};
size_type currentLabel = labelStart;
Access access;
BinaryPred pred;
Connectivity connect;
queue<IntPair> myQueue;
// mark connected components
for (size_type i = 0; i < size.first; ++i) {
for (size_type j = 0; j < size.second; ++j) {
const auto &pixelVal = access(img, i, j);
auto isForeground = pred(pixelVal);
bool enteredQueue = false;
if (isForeground) {
// check if it has a label
if (labelStorage(i, j) == Quick2DSizeT::NOLABEL) {
// does not have a label
// assign it a label
labelStorage(i, j) = currentLabel;
// controls the increment of currentLabel
enteredQueue = true;
// repeat while the queue is not empty
while (!myQueue.empty()) {
// front has been labeled
auto front = myQueue.front();
// if it is foreground and not labeled
auto neighbour = move(connect.GetNeighbour(front));
for (const auto &pixelPos : neighbour) {
// check if it is valid
if (this->IsPixelPosValid(size, pixelPos)) {
const auto &neighbourPixelVal = access(img, pixelPos.first, pixelPos.second);
if (pred(neighbourPixelVal) // check if it is foreground
&& labelStorage(pixelPos.first, pixelPos.second) == Quick2DSizeT::NOLABEL) {
// if it has no label, add it into the queue
// assign it a label
labelStorage(pixelPos.first, pixelPos.second) = currentLabel;
if (enteredQueue) {
currentLabel += 1;
// compute the number of connected components
size_type numOfCC = currentLabel - labelStart;
result_type result;
// scan labelStorage for result
for (size_type i = 0; i < size.first; ++i) {
for (size_type j = 0; j < size.second; ++j) {
if (labelStorage(i, j) != Quick2DSizeT::NOLABEL) {
auto index = labelStorage(i, j) - labelStart;
return result;
static constexpr const size_type labelStart = Quick2DSizeT::NOLABEL + 1;
bool IsPixelPosValid(const IntPair &size, const IntPair &pos) const {
return pos.first >= 0 && pos.first < size.first && pos.second >= 0 && pos.second < size.second;
It can also be found on my github.