Naming conventions according to PEP 8:
Type | Naming Convention | Examples |
Function | Use a lowercase word or words. Separate words by underscores to improve readability. | function, my_function |
Variable | Use a lowercase single letter, word, or words. Separate words with underscores to improve readability. | x, var, my_variable |
Class | Start each word with a capital letter. Do not separate words with underscores. This style is called camel case. | Model, MyClass |
Method | Use a lowercase word or words. Separate words with underscores to improve readability. | class_method, method |
Constant | Use an uppercase single letter, word, or words. Separate words with underscores to improve readability. | CONSTANT, MY_CONSTANT, MY_LONG_CONSTANT |
Module | Use a short, lowercase word or words. Separate words with underscores to improve readability. |, |
Package | Use a short, lowercase word or words. Do not separate words with underscores. | package, mypackage |
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import product
# make sure the result is reproducible
POP_SIZE = 100
N_CROSS = 500
N_GEN = 200
N_DIM = 5
An important trick of Python programming is to avoid using loops (because they are slow!). Check out how I generate the initial population without explicit loops.
. This will be useful afterwards.init_pop = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(INIT_SIZE, N_DIM), dtype=np.uint8)
print('shape:', init_pop.shape)
print('excerpt:\n', init_pop[:10, :])
I am using np.uint8
because it corresponds to an unsigned 8-bit integer. We can use np.unpackbits
to convert such arrays to bits.
test_uint8_arr = np.array([0, 1, 2], dtype=np.uint8)
test_uint8_arr_bits = np.unpackbits(test_uint8_arr)
# use np.packbits to reverse the operation
test_uint8_arr_repack = np.packbits(test_uint8_arr_bits)
# chromosome can be acquired rather easily
init_pop_ch = np.unpackbits(init_pop, axis=1)
print('shape:', init_pop_ch.shape)
print('excerpt:\n', init_pop_ch[:10, :])
We can let the fitness score be $\frac{1}{f(\boldsymbol{x}) + 1}$. When $f(\boldsymbol{x})$ increases, the fitness score decreases, which is exactly what we want.
def fitness_score(bitarr):
# get numerical array, convert to for calculation
arr = np.packbits(bitarr).astype(
# allow both positive and negative values
arr -= 127
# computing f(x) without loops!
fx = np.sum(np.square(arr))
return 1.0 / (fx + 1.0)
def selection(pop_ch):
#if pop_ch.shape[0] < POP_SIZE: return pop_ch
# apply fitness score function on each sample
fitnesses = np.apply_along_axis(fitness_score, axis=1, arr=pop_ch)
total_fitness = np.sum(fitnesses)
# compute fitness proportions
fitness_prop = fitnesses / total_fitness
# generate partial sums with np.cumsum
# no need to compute m repetitively
prop_cumsum = np.cumsum(fitness_prop)
samples = []
# begin sampling
for _ in range(POP_SIZE):
t = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
for i in range(prop_cumsum.size):
if t < prop_cumsum[i]:
samples.append(pop_ch[i, :])
return np.asarray(samples)
def crossover(pop_ch):
# partition the population into two groups
males, females = np.array_split(pop_ch, 2, axis=0)
# get indices of each group
male_ind = np.arange(males.shape[0])
female_ind = np.arange(females.shape[0])
assert male_ind.size * female_ind.size >= POP_SIZE
# keep track of combinations that are used
used_ind = set()
result = []
# here we assume the size of Cartesian product is far greater than
# our desired sample size. Therefore, the probability of used index
# collision is very low
for _ in range(POP_SIZE):
# generate an unused combination
comb = None
while True:
x = np.random.randint(0, male_ind.size - 1)
y = np.random.randint(0, female_ind.size - 1)
if (x, y) not in used_ind:
comb = (x, y)
male = males[comb[0], :]
female = females[comb[1], :]
t = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
if t < CROSS_RATE:
# partition male and female sample (at the middle)
male1, male2 = np.array_split(male, 2)
female1, female2 = np.array_split(female, 2)
# crossover two samples
new1 = np.concatenate([male1, female2])
new2 = np.concatenate([female1, male2])
return np.asarray(result)
def flip_bit(bit):
return 1 if bit == 0 else 0
def mutation(pop_ch):
# get a copy of pop_ch to avoid modifying the original array
result = pop_ch.copy()
# get total number of bits in the population
total_bits = pop_ch.size
# generate a random number for each bit
random_probs = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=total_bits)
# find out indices that are less than mutation probability
mutation_indices = np.where(random_probs < MUTATION_RATE)[0]
# convert flat index to 2D index
pop_indices = np.unravel_index(mutation_indices, pop_ch.shape)
# flip the bits
for i in range(mutation_indices.size):
idx = (pop_indices[0][i], pop_indices[1][i])
result[idx] = flip_bit(result[idx])
return result
# a function to generate statistics of each generation
def get_gen_stat(pop_ch):
fitnesses = np.apply_along_axis(fitness_score, axis=1, arr=pop_ch)
return fitnesses
pop_ch = init_pop_ch
stats = []
for _ in range(N_GEN):
pop_ch = selection(pop_ch)
pop_ch = crossover(pop_ch)
pop_ch = mutation(pop_ch)
# add one final selection to limit the output size
pop_ch = selection(pop_ch)
final_pop = np.packbits(pop_ch, axis=1).astype(
print(final_pop - 127)
# graph generation stats
max_fitnesses = [np.max(arr) for arr in stats]
min_fitnesses = [np.min(arr) for arr in stats]
avg_fitnesses = [np.mean(arr) for arr in stats]
xs = np.arange(len(max_fitnesses))
plt.plot(xs, max_fitnesses, 'b', label='max fitness')
plt.plot(xs, min_fitnesses, 'r', label='min fitness')
plt.plot(xs, avg_fitnesses, 'g', label='average fitness')